After spending the day outside planting, my allergies have kicked in full swing. This spring seems to be particularly bad as my usual meds aren't helping at all. Little J is suffering as well and has now developed itchy red eyes to compliment his runny nose. He's rubbed one eye so much, it triggered a nasty case of eczema on his eyelid which required a trip to the pediatrician yesterday.
All of this brought back a conversation I had with my furnace repair guy this past winter. (We use a small company and they come out twice a year to maintain our furnace and air conditioner and are starting to feel like family.)
One of the (many) really cold days this past winter, we woke up to the furnace cycling on and off about every 45 seconds. Not a reassuring sound when the scheduled high is -5. The furnace repair guy came out right away and after an hour of fiddling around determined that the furnace was having trouble sucking in air through the filter. I had bought the ultimate-clean-all-allergens-out-of-the-air super thick filter to help with allergies. Turns out it was putting a bit of a strain on the already running 24/7 furnace.
The repair guy suggested that I look into a whole house filter as it would ease the strain on our furnace and is much more effective than what I was using. I figured it would be complicated to install and cost a ton, so I kind of put it on the back burner for a while.
This spring has brought it back to my attention!
So imagine my delight when MomCentral came looking for people to explore the AccuClean Whole Home Air Filtration System by American Standard. I immediately checked out their website and was thrilled with what I learned:
- It removes allergens: AccuClean filters airborne allergens like mold, dust mites, pollen, even pet hair and animal dander, before they can land on your rugs, floors and upholstery.
- It prevents odors: The majority of irritating particles like cooking grease, even smoke from burnt food, can be removed from the air. (I often avoid cooking fish in the winter because I can't stand the smell lasting for days after.)
- It removes up to 99.98% of unwanted particles and allergens from the filtered air in your home. (Standard 1" throwaway filters and ionic-type room appliances can't even begin to match that.)
- It removes the flu virus from the air...after the winter we had here, this is a HUGE plus for me!
- It has a reusable filter that can be easily washed or vacuumed.
- It can be attached to your existing furnace or air handler, so you don't need to renovate your home to install it.
There were quite a few dealers in my area who carry American Standard products. If this sounds like something that might help your family, head over and check it out.
1 comment:
did you end up installing it and if so did you find it made a noticeable difference?
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