Clorox has come out with a new line of cleaning products in response to the demand for products that are safer for our homes and for the environment. Green Works can be found in most stores where the traditional Clorox products are found and includes a number of cleaners such as bathroom, kitchen, glass/window, as well as a concentrate that can be mixed with water.
Green Works cleaners work just as well as their more toxic counterparts without giving off the harsh chemical fumes and residue that can result. Green Works products are made from biodegradable ingredients and NOT tested on animals, two things that are important to me personally. They are 99% natural and have a pleasant scent.
Two things which I really like about these products (and that set them apart for me) are:
1. the fact that they are easy to find in the stores where I am already doing my shopping and
2. the cost which is a bit higher than traditional cleaners but lower than other natural cleaners.
Good for Clorox for taking this step! I hope other companies follow their lead and begin coming out with environmentally friendly lines of products as well.