Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let Splenda help with your holiday entertaining!

I have to confess. I am usually an "over-planner". You know the type (they probably drive you nuts!)...they have the Christmas shopping done by December 1st, the holiday meals all planned and practically cooked weeks in advance, and sail through that week before Christmas with a blissful smile on their face. While I have not often achieved "blissful smile mode", I usually come pretty close.

Not this year.

I don't know what it is - maybe the increased responsibilities at work or the nasty weather that has kept me off the roads on a number of days when I would usually be getting things done. Whatever it is, I am behind the eight ball this year. Waaaay behind.

With the threat of another nasty winter storm closing schools tomorrow, I stashed Little J at my mom's house and headed out to try and get some things done. Since the weather is promising three storms in the next five days, everyone else in Southeast Wisconsin had the same idea. It was a zoo out there - people cutting each other off in traffic, stealing parking places, and hitting each other with their shopping carts in an effort to be next in line at the cash register. Bah humbug!

By the end of my shopping trip, I had a splitting headache. I couldn't stand to try and even think about meal planning for the Christmas Eve party we are hosting. I know that I don't want this year to be like last year where I didn't even sit down to visit with my guests. Turns out that this is not uncommon.

So this year, I am enlisting the help of the people at Splenda. Yep - you read that right and you can get their help too. Check out their website and get help with everything from recipes, to planning your celebration, to low calorie festive beverage options. (Be sure to check out new Splenda with added fiber to add a little healthy kick to your baking.) Give yourself the chance to sit and relax with your guests this holiday season - it's what the time is supposed to be all about, right?