I'll admit - when this set of BOB books (set 1 - beginning readers) by Bobby Lynn John R. Maslen arrived from Mothertalk, I was not exactly an impartial reviewer. I have, in fact, been a fan of BOB books for years.
BOB books are designed to address each stage of a child's reading development. Each book previews the beginning sound(s) used in that book. Using these sounds, the child can easily read the short, simple words and sentences that make up the book. Parents are supported with discussion ideas on the back of each book and a teaching ideas card with each set. Even without these aids, parents will find these books very easy to work with.
Most reviewers will be talking about using this book with their emerging readers - four year olds who are learning how to put their letters together to form words. BOB books are excellent for that and I look forward to using them to help Little J make that next step in his reading development. But I have used BOB books for years for my students who have been on the other end of the spectrum. Those students who have made it through the lower elementary grades but have somehow not mastered the basics of reading and phonetic awareness.
BOB books are fun, non-threatening, and easy to finish. These three things make them perfect for those students who may have "turned off" to reading. Their light-hearted nature make them appealing and their simple pictures allow readers to concentrate on the words rather than being distracted by bright colors and busy designs.
Whether you are looking for a great way to start off your pre-schooler on the road to reading or need a way to motivate a reluctant reader, BOB books are a safe bet. Take a look at all the different sets they offer and choose the one that best suits your needs - you won't be disappointed!