Have you ever been at the grocery store wishing you had your computer with you? You know, when you realize that your grocery list is at home, on your hard drive, and not in your hand printed out like it should be?
Have you ever run into a friend that you never see and wished you could magically produce all those great pictures of your kids that are home, on your computer?
Have you ever been stuck at your child's practice (piano, soccer, taekwondo) wishing you could access a document on your computer and give it another once over before tomorrow morning's presentation?
SimplyMobile Moms is an incredibly easy and practical tool that allows you to send, access, and share the key electronic information that you need throughout the day via your mobile phone. SimplyMobile Moms is a unique, free service that helps us moms stay connected and organized via mobile phone, keeping our lives running smoothly when we are away from home. Doesn't the idea of having access to those lists, catching up on e-mails, and even reading your favorite blogs while on the go make your to-do list seem so much more manageable?
In the interest of full disclosure, the more advanced features like maps, emails, and large amounts of content are suited best to smart phones (iPhones and Blackberries, for example) which can access the content via a one-click web link. I do not have one of these fancier phones and have not tried these features. However, phones without an Internet browser receive content via text messages, so you can send yourself short to dos and ingredients from online recipes that can then be accessed while you're standing in the grocery aisle. This is amazingly helpful in so many ways.
My two initial reservations were about cost. SimplyMobile Moms is a free service, but I was concerned about the cost of the text messages. Turns out, as long as you are using a supported carrier - they are FREE!! (Their list of supported carriers is quite extensive, most phones are covered.) My other concern was about SPAM...I did not want a sudden influx of SPAM messages. They have a "guaranteed no SPAM" policy and I can report that I did not receive one single piece of SPAM. The downloaded software installed quickly and easily and is very simple to use.
Did I mention that this is a FREE service? I did? Well, to make it even better, SimplyMobile Moms is giving away and iPhone and two years free service. So what are you waiting for?? Head over there now and sign up!
Thank you to MomCentral and SimplyMobile Moms for sponsoring this blog tour!
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